Update: we were able to move snow to the thinnest locations, this allows us to open the full 2.4k. There is one connector between the stadium and Mammoth loop that is impassable but looping from Slingshot thru the Range on Hotshot connecting to Mammoth will get you a full outer loop. The only drawback to moving this much snow is that it will be soft as we had to significantly alter the depth in some areas to get a full loop in. Also, more passes are needed as well as additional processing In order to get the snow to be homogenous. Freezing temps arrived later than expected. Most likely Saturday nights groom will help the process.
Look for soft conditions, loose fully transformed snow with some shallow track areas set.
Holding till 8am Saturday morning to give it a better chance to set up.
Thank you for your patience and patronage.
Please ski within your abilities. Thank you!